Marketing for Humans
Marketing for Humans
What's Actually Working: 3 Financial Advisors Share their Marketing Secrets
I’m Christina Frei, and I’m a marketing consultant for service-based professionals, creator of Innate Marketing Genius archetype system, and author of the Generosity Practice Book: 40 Days to Unstoppable. I help you become the compelling expert of your field, so you can get great clients by being you.
Today’s episode is a marketing field study with 3 seasoned financial advisors . We’re going to peal back the curtain and look at what’s been working for them in their marketing? Where are their clients coming from? What are they exploring next? These are professionals with established careers and a solid roster of clients, and with all the marketing shiny toys out there, isn’t it time to take a step back and look at what’s actually working? Let’s meet our panel.
Discover your marketing archetype.
Shawn Cook
Matthew Schroeder
Catherine Valega