Marketing for Humans

What's Actually Working: 3 Coaches Share their Marketing Secrets

Christina Frei Season 6 Episode 4

I’m Christina Frei, and I’m a marketing consultant for solo business owners, creator of Innate Marketing Genius archetype system, and author of the Generosity Practice Book: 40 Days to Unstoppable. I help you become the compelling expert of your field, so you can get great clients by being you.

Today’s episode is a panel of 3 coaches, including a life coach, a relationship coach, and a business coach.  These are seasoned professionals who are going to share their secrets of what’s working in their marketing. Call this a marketing field study of sorts. I invite you to check in with yourself on what resonates, instead of thinking you have to do it all. Marketing is always a test to see what works after all.  Let’s hear from our panel.

Discover your marketing archetype.

Elaine Blais
Kim Dawson
Susan Trotter