Marketing for Humans

What's Actually Working: 3 Product-Based Professionals Share their Marketing Secrets

Christina Frei Season 6 Episode 3
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00:00 | 29:43

I’m Christina Frei, and I’m a marketing consultant for solo business owners. My focus is helping my clients become the compelling expert of their field, where they get great clients by being who they are.

Today’s episode is with Product-Based Service professionals. These folks serve their clients thoughtfully, but with a product in the mix. Our three guests are at different phases in their business, so you’ll some insights into what’s working for specific business needs. We do a good ole fashioned field study, and check in on what’s working. So sit back and be inspired for your own marketing.

Tell a better brand story: Discover your marketing archetype.

Becky Suciu, Furniture Re-finisher
Mary McRae, J. Hilburn Associates
Lolli Leeson, Juice+, Tower Garden, and Health Coach